The Science
Chinese Medical Theory
According to Chinese medicine theory, our body consists of a giant web called the meridian system, linking different parts together; its channels making up a comprehensive yet complex body map that supplies qi (vital energy) to every part of the body, assists in distribution of blood and body fluids, maintains the balance between Yin and Yang, and protects the body against disease. Along these channels, acupuncture points are the sites through which the qi of the organs and meridians is transported to the body surface. It is believed that disease can be treated when the affected organs or meridians are cleared. Acupuncturists work on these points to regulate the corresponding organs or meridians so the body can return to a state of balance and health.
Working with a system of meridians (channels)
Accessing the body’s Qi (vital energy)
Maintaining a balance of Yin and Yang
Protecting the body against disease
Western Medical Theory
It has been found that in addition to removing energy blockages and increasing blood circulation through the tissues, acupuncture also affects the nerves, whereby the peripheral nerves are stimulated, triggering a cascade that causes changes in the brain and internal organs. As such, it initiates responses to affect the neurological, endocrine and immunological systems. Research has found that acupuncture stimulates the release of painkilling neuropeptides and natural endorphins, providing a natural alternative to pain relief and reducing inflammation. It has also been shown that a great majority of acupuncture points are located above aggregations of connective tissue. Local collagen fibres are stimulated by the acupuncture needle, and this triggers a wide range of intracellular responses, which helps to explain the complex action of acupuncture on the body.
Increases blood flow and circulation through the tissues
Influences the neurological, endocrine and immunological systems
Releases painkilling neuropeptides and natural endorphins
Collagen fibres are stimulated by the acupuncture needle