Happy baby point


Daoist philosophy understands each trimester in pregnancy as an opportunity to shed toxins passed down from mother to baby in the womb, using acupuncture point Zhu Bin. This tradition has been practiced for millenia.


In understanding the name of this point, “Zhu Bin” or Guest House, we can think of the child as the guest in the mother’s womb. In each trimester the baby transitions into a new developmental stage, corresponding to the Elements of Earth (1st Trimester), Fire (2nd Trimester) and Wood (3rd Trimester).

Zhu Bin (also known as Kidney 9 in Western tradition) is a major acupoint in the body used to tonify Qi, Blood, and Jing (aka source energy). It is regularly used to treat detoxification, anxiety, psychological disorders and nightmares.

So, how does this point relate to pregnancy?

Moxibustion (a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials called "moxa" are burned on or very near the surface of the skin) is applied to the happy baby point towards the end of each trimester, at 13 weeks, 26 weeks, and after 36 weeks. 

The treatment does not directly treat the baby, it helps to create the conditions for the baby to thrive and be happy. This treatment’s intention is to separate the karma of the mother from the child by clearing anything that is not pure so the baby can come into the world with their own clear path rather than having to first clear the karma they inherit from being in the womb - a detoxification from the chemicals released inside the mother due to stress, anger, sadness, or toxins ingested in food, drink, or substances.

Benefits include:

  • Prevent the transmission of toxins from the mother

  • increase the baby’s health and resistance to disease

  • strengthen the mother in preparation for the final stages of pregnancy

Your acupuncturist will advise you on the best times to come in throughout pregnancy to receive this treatment. Acupuncture throughout pregnancy can be very helpful to support birth preparation.  During the last trimester I encourage women to come in weekly for a series of treatments that help to soften the sinews, nourish Qi and Blood and calm the mind.  I have seen these treatments help support women through the last stage of pregnancy and support a smooth labour.  

sarah Haddon-Grant