Acupuncture for Long Covid
Long Covid can be an extremely distressing condition, leaving individuals wondering how and why they have been left with lingering, often debilitating symptoms after having Covid. This post will discuss the main symptoms experienced by Long Covid sufferers, explaining its etiology and treatment through the lense of Chinese Medical theory, as well offering simple and effective lifestyle changes that can help ease symptoms and aid recovery.
Long Covid has affected many individuals of all ages, and is having a major impact on quality of life for those affected. People experiencing Long Covid have often found themselves unable to work or go about their daily lives as usual. The range of symptoms experienced has been far reaching.
Long Covid Symptoms include:
Chronic fatigue
Brain fog
Muscle aches and spasms
Joint and muscle pain and inflammation
Disrupted sleep, anxiety, and depression
Low immunity
Pain in chest, palpitations, continuous cough
Period issues and fibroids
What happens when the body encounters Covid
When the body encounters a pathogen, it responds by engaging its defensive layer of Qi (Wei Qi). If the body is strong, with the individual relaxed, well rested and nourished, this usually results in a sneeze and a small sweat, which usually happens unnoticed by the individual. If the body is lacking certain resources, the body is unable to expel the pathogen and therefore has to deploy other forms of defence to keep the pathogen away from the organs. It does this using blood and body fluids, a term Classical Chinese medicine calls latency. If the person is relaxed, well rested and nourished, the body can successfully hold the pathogen in latency for a long period of time, with few to no symptoms. In the case of Long COVID, the body is in a limbo state. The body has sufficient mediumship to prevent the pathogen from reaching the deepest layers of the body but insufficient resources to either quell symptoms entirely or to eject the pathogen fully. Often the symptoms come and go depending on the levels of stress, rest and nourishment through lifestyle and diet.
How can acupuncture help
An essential part of the acupuncture treatment for patients with Long Covid, is to determine both the level of resources available in the body, as well as where the body has stored the pathogen in latency. This is done through asking questions about symptoms, general physical and emotional health and past health. The practitioner will then take the pulse and look at the tongue, which are additional diagnostic tools. Treatments will then involve both nourishing resources such as Qi, Blood, body fluids and Yang, in order to provide the body with the strength it needs to expel the pathogen, whilst also helping to clear the pathogen from the channel or channels that have been used by the body to store the pathogen.
What can patients do at home
Optimal hydration creates the building blocks for blood, Qi and body fluids, therefore it is essential to keep hydrated throughout the day. While water is helpful for both hydration and cleansing, the best way to deeply hydrate the body is through warm and wet food. This includes soups, stews, broths and porridges.
Cold and raw foods can be very difficult for the body to break down and digest, especially for individuals suffering with a condition such as Long Covid. Food should be at least room temperature, or ideally warmer, when ingested. Try to keep raw, cold salads and fruit to a minimum, and focus on eating the majority of your meals warm and cooked.
Foods to avoid
Certain foods such as caffeine (especially coffee), alcohol and sugar are particularly inflammatory or heating, therefore these should be avoided. Certain foods such as wheat and dairy should be eaten in moderation, as these can create a sluggish digestion which can hinder the absorption of nutrients from food.
Rest is an essential component to support the body. When we sleep our body’s immune system kicks into action, and is deepest and most beneficial if we go to sleep before midnight and aim to get 7-8 hours a night. Try to find moments in the day to give the body time to rest and digest, switching into a parasympathetic nervous system state. This will support the body’s overall state of health and level of resources available to fight infection and illness.
For many Long Covid sufferers it is difficult to get good quality rest, and there are often high levels of anxiety about health, symptoms we are experiencing and worries about the past and future. It can be helpful in theses instances, rather than trying to force sleep, to listen to a guided meditation or yoga nidra. Acupuncture can be very helpful at easing the symptoms of anxiety that are interfering with sleep.